An Initiatory Journey into your Mystical Nature
Women's Work
I am so happy that you followed your Intuition so we could <re>connect here.
I create transformational spaces for the Feminine to unearth the Mystical Woman that resides Within.
Since 2017 I've guided more than 100 women on the intimate Journey of Remembering their Exquisite Mystical Nature.
We are Sovereign Queens holding the keys to our Own Mastery.
Our Mission in this Life is to Realise This.
Our Mission in this Life is to Embody This.
Our Mission in this Life is to Transmit This.

Reveal the Wise Woman Within
You know It.
I mean it.
You really Know It.
You feel it deep within your Bones, deep within your Womb, deep within your Heart, that
You Are a Wise Woman.
Have you forgotten?
But more importantly:
Do you yearn to Remember?
If so Beloved One, I invite you to Reclaim your Birthright - and join me for my upcoming
Wise Woman 7-Week Alchemical Online Training.
Now taking Applications for October Training.
Beginning Samhain 2023 for 7 Weeks.
Early Bird Price until Midnight Autumn Equinox 23.

Answering the Call of the Rose
She who was named a whore for over two-thousand years by the patriarchy is calling us to ignite the Rose Flame of Truth Within.
As a High-Priestess of Isis, Mary Magdalene walked the path of Embodied, Lit, Wisdom. Owning all parts of her Feminine and Masculine polarities, she is an emblem of the Anthropos, the Divine Human.
She is stirring our hearts, stirring our wombs, stirring our voices to allow the rose petals to open within our Mystical Beingness. Can you hear her?
In 2020, Sanctuary Rosa Mystica was birthed - a Rose Path Mystery School, offering Trainings and Mystical Pilgrimages to Magdalene shrines in Europe with my fellow Rose Sister Vira Maria.
I am now offering Embodied Initiations into the Rose Magdalene Lineage in Ashburton Devon.

Unearth your Wisdom
Filippa, Artist, Sweden
“I am in awe of the Space that you held for us. I felt so safe and seen. The wisdom that you shared truly resonated with me, thank you."
Anna, Teacher, England
"Turiya has inspired me to continue my Spiritual Journey. I will always get involved with anything she puts forward."
Mandy, Coordinator, Spain
“It's been a Journey of many emotions, Love, Joy, Peace, Self Enquiry and much more.”