Work with me 1:1
Beloved Sister, You've arrived Here, Now, not by chance.
I believe that You have followed an Inner Knowing that will (if You allow it) continue to guide You in this Coming Back Home to the Fullness of your Feminine Spirit.
This is the most natural Journey. In fact it is a Homecoming.
And it's one that we all must walk (all Beings, beyond gender constructs) in order to restore the Great Balance to our World.
The Great Mother has been ignored and forgotten for too long. Now, we as Women, as direct manifestations of Her, must revive Her through our Bodies, our Minds, our Souls, so that we can BE the Beacons of this Great Remembrance, so that this Light can permeate and illuminate this Deep Knowing in All.
I humbly offer myself as a Vehicle for this Great Work which is unfolding, and I welcome You to learn more about the 1:1 Containers I offer below, to see if they resonate with You, and if You would like to embark upon this miraculous Journey with me as your Guide.
There are multiple ways to work with me in a personalised 1:1 container, over a four, seven or nine week scale. If unsure which is the best fit, book a discovery call here or find out more about the different options below.

1:1 Containers
Descent is a 1:1 Four Week Personalised Program - with the intention of shepherding you through the dark passage of the Feminine Descent.
Descent is an invitation to dive into the shadows, into the dark feminine, into the unconscious - so that we can really see what has been hidden, be with what has been hidden, so that it can become integrated and we can emerge in our wholeness.
Please note that this Program is open to two clients only per quarter.
Times for live Zoom Sessions can be planned in accordance with your schedule.
Theme One
Healing the Witch Wound
Theme Two
Navigating the Shadow
Theme Three
Awakening the Rose Priestess
Theme Four
Embodying the Wise Woman
What you'll receive:
Every week you’ll receive a 1:1 1.5 hour weekly ceremonial session on Zoom.
A Deeper studies Booklet where we will explore main theories and depth psychological perspectives to further embed what will be directly experienced through the 1:1 sessions.
A Weekly At-Home Guided Embodiment Ritual to weave the teaching deeper into your living life as prayer in action.
However the format and program delivery will be individualised to meet your process and needs.
Why Descent?
We can not be who we long to be without being really honest with those parts of ourself that are self-sabotaging - self harming - self negating.
The Descent Journey is a natural journey that all women must undertake. It is from a place of conscious descent that we can then rise into a stable and integrated place of feminine power.
We need not be afraid of the dark, we need only hone our skill to be able to see in the dark.
I can only share and transmit what I myself have lived, through my own spiritual journey, along with my Masters studies into the feminine descent narrative, I offer held, nurturing and inspiring support to shepherd you through this phase so that you can clear the way for the seeds of your beauty to bloom when the time comes.
In this container we have an opportunity to descend into the darkness, so that we can learn and integrate aspects of the shadow, returning to our fullness ready for the birthing of light. The Descent is a natural part of our cyclical nature, and especially in the arc of our womanhood.
Are you ready beloved?
Investment: £444 All Inclusive

Returning to Love
An Alchemical Soulful Journey back into Complete Love for the Self.
Through Goddess Invocation, Activations & Practices; including Movement Medicine, Guided Journeying, Informational Presentations, Ritual, Meditation and Contemplation we will:
Purify, cleanse and celebrate the physical, mental, emotional layers of our Being
Unpeel and deconstruct limiting beliefs and conditioning
Unlock our Potential as the very Creative Life-Force from which all of Existence flows forth
Reclaim our voice, and dance in authentic, alive expression
Open our wings to joy, beauty and abundance in all aspects of Life
Resurrect Love for All as our Mission here on Earth
4 x Live 1.5 Hour Weekly Ceremony & Practice
Weekly Guided Video Content: Exercises & Practices
Weekly Meditations & Activations
20 minute 1:1 Integration Call
The timing of this Journey will be birthed in accordance with the Moon & Zodiac Calendar. Harnessing the New Moon Energy as the beginning, and move through into the completion of One Full Moon Cycle. As such, we will be supported and guided by the specific universal frequencies available at this particular time.
Week One
Opening Ceremony
Invoking the Presence of Kali Ma
Week Two
Invoking the Grace of White Tara
Week Three
Invoking the Wisdom of Saraswati Ma
Week Four
Closing Ceremony
Invoking the Abundance of Maha Lakshmi
Like the metamorphosis of a Butterfly, our Journey together will begin internalised, excavating those false beliefs that keep us stuck, keep us bound. Then, nourished, energised, inspired, driven by the impulse of Freedom, we will pierce through, together, finding our wings, then taking flight into the un-ending New Dawn of Infinite Love for All.
Without giving too much away at this point, some of themes of the exercises will be focused upon:
Mystical Hindu Goddess Exploration
Key-Code Activations
Chakra-Work, Breath-Work, Polarity
Embodied Movement Practices
Nervous System Regulation
Sacred sounding
Integration Techniques
Behavioural re-mapping
Conscious Creation
Cultivating Abundance, the Art of Manifesting
And so much more…
All that is shared is actively infusing my own day-to-day Way of Being - so the practices and rituals are relevant, alive, potent.
Integration of all that is shared, felt, lived in this container is of the upmost importance for me, which is why at the end of the Journey You will be invited to have a Free 1:1 ~ 20minute Integration call with me so that what has been seeded can weave in the most seamless way after the physical journey has concluded together. Even though, energetically speaking, the Circle can remain open for however long you wish.
Investment: £444 All Inclusive

Wise Woman
Women, the Time to Remember is Now.
Our Feminine Power is vast, uncontainable and exquisite.
The toxic patriarchal hierarchy that has been ruling the masses for millenia is now shattering.
And in this shattering, there is a "making room" for ALL of your glorious Womanhood to break through, to come to the surface, to glow in the kaleidoscope of Authenticity and True Aliveness.
The Wise Woman Training is a reclamation of all of the lost and buried parts of YourSelf, with the objective that once completed You will:
Know your Holy Power;
Speak your Mystic Truth;
Embody your Divinity.
This Training also invites You to take your place in Sacred Circle to empower and encourage other Women to remember the Wise Woman
That They Are.
During the 7 weeks together we will not be alone. We will be calling in Wise Guides and Ascended Masters to support this Great Re-Birthing, this Great Re-Circling to the Ancient, Wise Ways.
Every week you will be invited into an Initiation with that particular Feminine Oracle to receive HerStory, Her Transmission, Her Vibrational Frequency so that this blueprint awakens in Your Own Being. BecauseHer Story is Our Story.
Throughout the Week you will receive Embodiment Practices to fully harness and ground this Wisdom down as a Living, Embodied, Integrated Truth.
These Guides, if you are willing, will be your faithful, loving and inspirational allies for the rest of this sojourn on the Earth Plane; supporting You in the Journey of Revealing the Wise Woman Within.
A Cauldron of Myth, Magick & Alchemy
Week 1
In the Celtic & Pagan Traditions this is the Goddess of Transformation and Transmutation, she stirs the pot. Together we will begin where we shall end, with the Crone Goddesses, releasing the old, envisioning the new.
Remembering the Art of Conscious Death
Week 2
Goddess Brigid
In Pre-Christian Ireland & Britain, Brigid was known as the "Bringer of Light". Together we will invoke Her as the Triple Goddess, thus exploring our Cyclical Nature and the Fertile Land of our Body, Mind & Heart.
Remembering the Art of Divine Creation
Week 3
Mary Magdalene
In the Mystical Gnostic Traditions, the balancing of the Feminine and Masculine Energies Within is known as Inner Alchemy. Together we will learn to awake, balance & rise the White and Red Serpent energies.
Remembering the Art of Sacred Union
Week 4
Durga Ma
In Hinduism, Durga is called upon for Strength, Bravery and Protection. Together we will activate our Holy Power Centre; whilst slaying the Demons of unworthiness so that we courageously Embody our Truth.
Remembering the Art of Holy Power
Week 5
Kuan Yin
In the East-Asian Buddhist Traditions, Kuan Yin is known as the Mother of Mercy. Together we will direct our Soul into a higher octave of this journey thus far, into the blossoming reality of the One Heart.
Remembering the Art of Radical Love
Week 6
White Buffalo Calf Woman
In the Lakota Tradition, the White Buffalo Calf Woman re-taught the Tribes how to communicate and align with Great Spirit. In Week 6, we will now be sufficiently prepared to Channel with Great Spirit.
Remembering the Art of Intentional Prayer
Week 7
Recognized as the most important Deity in the Egyptian Pantheon, with Her Epic Presence influencing most Modern-Day Traditions at their root level, Isis will usher us into the Closing Ceremony.
Remembering the Art of Resurrection
TheWise Woman Training is for You If:
You're really serious about creating a dramatic shift in your Life.
You want to end the search of "finding yourSelf".
You're ready to experience the Full Spectrum of your Womanhood.
You want to Live your Purpose and Manifest your Dreams.
You long to feel more connected to your Sacred Body Temple and release personal and ancestral limitations.
You feel called to explore your Mystical Nature and Intuitive Capabilities.
You are ready to step into your Divine Power.
You're willing to give all you've got to this Process, because that's the only way you'll see and feel the intended results.
You are feeling an all-pervasive "Deep Yes" through all of your cells when reading this.
Investment: £666 All Inclusive

Embodied Spirit
Work with me in this precious and transformative 1:1 9-Week Container
Every New Quarter, I open the doors to a unique and powerful portal to one or two Women that want to work with me on a 1:1 9-Week Basis.
This is a 9-Week Deep Soul Uncovering, Re-wiring and Manifesting Program that works on all levels of your Being to restore a sense of Wholeness, Vibrancy and Direction to your Path on the Earth Plane.
It's a highly bespoke Program, which is designed around You. Together on our Discovery Call and proceeding Program Introductory Call we launch into the very Fabric of your objectives, dreams, fears, which then forms the basis for our 9-Week Evolutionary Journey together.
The Name Embodied Spirit was channelled for this Program because it is the medium of balances the two realms, Spirit - the heavens, & Body - the Earth. We as Divine Humans are Living Conduits of the Space above and the Space Below. Not one can be without the other in this Great Work of coming back Home to our Fullness in this LifeTime.
Here, I am not just a Spiritual Guide, I am not just an Embodiment Coach - I am That Bridge between the Two, an informative, intuitive, supportive and solid sign-post in Your Journey of Realising Your Higher Self — whilst grounding it down and weaving it through your physical existence here on Earth, in this magical LifeTime.
As I said, this Program is highly Bespoke to meet your personal needs and requirements in a 1:1 environment, but example themes that we may work through include:
Past life regressions
Subconscious exploration
Uncovering the Divine Feminine
Uncovering the Divine Masculine
Moving from Separation into Unity Consciousness
Purification, physical healing, energetic re-calibration
Attachment mechanisms
Finding you Authentic Soul Voice
Aligned Manifestation
Mastering Feminine Sexual Energy
Revealing Innate Joy & Pleasure
Goddess Invocations & Attunements.
Every Week You will receive:
1.5 Hour Live Call
Contemplations & Inspirations
Guided Recordings & Practices
Weekly WhatsApp Support
Investment: £888 All Inclusive